2. Forensic Nursing Forum 2023 (English)
After a successful 1st Swiss Forensic Nursing Forum, we invite you to continue writing the Forensic Nursing story with us! In 2023 we will meet in the beautiful canton of Glarus and exchange nationally and internationally on our Forum motto: Vision – Mission – Strategy – Action
Programme (click here for the PDF):
A varied programme with presentations, discussions and networking awaits you. Your contributions on the positioning and implementation of Forensic Nursing in Switzerland and internationally (success stories, case studies, discussion topics) as well as inputs on the programme design are most welcome!
Lintharena (Näfels, Canton Glarus)
Travel and accommodation:
Hotel Lintharena (booked out!)
City Hotel Glarnerland:
– Double room with shower/WC incl. breakfast: CHF 180 excl. visitor’s tax.
We have a limited number of rooms reserved. If you book the hotel, please let them know that you are a Forum visitor. If desired, the stay at the conference venue can be extended. Worth seeing is the unique Glarner Landsgemeinde, which will take place on 08.05.2023 (link).
Conference fee (2 days incl. catering, aperitif, dinner and lunch)
– Members of the Swiss Association Forensic Nursing: CHF 250
– Non-members of the Swiss Association Forensic Nursing: CHF 300 incl. one free membership for the year 2023)
– Accompanying person: CHF 50
For full cancellations, CHF 50 will be charged as a handling fee.
In case of cancellation after 05 April 2023, the participation fee cannot be refunded.
You have the possibility to send a substitute person.
Registration (deadline for registration: 15 March 2023)
Partner organisations:
Institute of Forensic Medicine UZH
Glarus Tourism
Weseta Textile AG
Omikron Data AG